Clerk & Treasurer

Contact: Christine Kearns, Clerk & Treasurer – Dan Denofrio, Deputy Clerk & Treasurer
: P O Box 447, 8 E. Main St. Fonda, NY 12068
Phone: 518-853-4335
Fax: 518-853-4555
Email[email protected]

Village Clerk and Treasurer Responsibilities

As key administrative figures within our Village, the Village Clerk and Treasurer play integral roles in ensuring the smooth operation of local government and financial management. Below are the primary duties and responsibilities of each position:

Village Clerk

  • Custodian of Village records: The Village Clerk maintains official records, documents, and archives, including meeting minutes, local laws, resolutions, contracts, and historical records.
  • Clerk to the Board of Trustees: The Village Clerk attends all Board of Trustees meetings, records minutes, and ensures compliance with open meeting laws.
  • Election administration: The Village Clerk oversees local elections, including voter registration, candidate filings, and ballot preparation.
    Public information officer: The Village Clerk is the primary point of contact for public inquiries, requests for information, and Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests.
  • Licensing and permits: The Village Clerk issues various licenses and permits, such as marriage licenses, dog licenses, and permits for special events.
  • Legal notices: The Village Clerk publishes legal notices, resolutions, and other official communications as required by law.

Village Treasurer

  • Financial management: The Village Treasurer is responsible for managing the Village’s finances, including budget preparation, expenditure monitoring, and revenue collection.
  • Accounting and reporting: The Village Treasurer maintains accurate financial records, prepares financial statements, and reports on the Village’s fiscal health to the Board of Trustees and the public.
  • Tax administration: The Village Treasurer oversees property tax billing, collection, and enforcement, ensuring compliance with state and local tax laws.
  • Banking and investments: The Village Treasurer manages banking relationships, investment portfolios, and cash flow to optimize the Village’s financial resources.
  • Payroll and benefits: The Village Treasurer administers payroll, employee benefits, and pension contributions for Village employees.
  • Audit coordination: The Village Treasurer coordinates external audits and works with auditors to ensure compliance with accounting standards and regulations.
  • Together, the Village Clerk and Treasurer play essential roles in supporting transparent, accountable, and effective governance and financial stewardship within our Village.

Please contact the Village Clerk or Treasurer’s Office for further inquiries or assistance.

Hours of Operation

9 AM to 3 PM

Monday through Friday

Purchasing Policy

Supplies and Materials

Spend Amount Verbal Written RFP Other
Under $3,000 0
3,000-19,999 2
20,000+ 3 3




Public Works Contracts

Spend Amount Verbal Written RFP Other
Under $10,000 0
10, 000-34, 999 2
35, 000, + 3 3




Other Procurements

Procurement Type Verbal Written RFP Other
Emergencies ***
Insurance ***
Professional Services ***
True Lease ***
Government Surplus ***
Sole Source Material ***

*** Methods of solicitation for these types of procurements may vary depending on the circumstances encountered. The procedure should ensure that the procurement and method of seeking competition are in the best interest of the Village of Fonda. Purchase orders required for all purchases totaling $250.00+


Application and Instructions for Handicap Parking Tag GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Please read pages 1 and 2 of this packet before completing the application on page 3. You are eligible for a special parking permit or license plates if you are a New York State resident who has one or more severe disabilities that impair your mobility. For a description of qualifying disabilities see Part 2 of the application on page 3 of this packet (Application for a Parking Permit or License Plates, for Persons With Severe Disabilities


To view FAQ’s, please click here.



Tax Search Request Form – 5 Year Formal Please make your request for this service at least 5 working days in advance of closing as the staff is limited.  This form can be used to request a 5-year property tax and utility payment search. Please see the fee schedule for additional details.

Please visit our Documents Download page for more Documents and Forms.



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