September 6, 2020 Update
The Village of Fonda DPW team located the main source for the leak draining our water tank north of the school and made the repairs to lines causing the issues.
Please Continue Reduced Usage
We ask everyone to continue to reduce their water usage until our holding tank has returned to normal levels. Once we are at normal levels, we will send out notifications through our website and the hyper-reach telephone system through the Sheriff’s Department.
What Is Reduced Usage
- No outdoor watering for Gardens and Grass
- Filling Pools
- Car Washing
- Anything Not Necessary
Continued Water Usage
- Bathing
- Food Preparation
- Medical Necessities
Thank you to everyone for your cooperation while getting the water levels back to normal.
Original Post
The Village of Fonda is experiencing a drastic water loss in the water system for the Village and Town of Mohawk. We ask that all water users within the Village of Fonda and Town of Mohawk immediately reduce their water usage to necessary needs until we can correct this issue.
We will send a notification once we resolve the issue or if we need to make additional arrangements for emergency water supplies.
Please share this information with your neighbors within our communities.