The Village of Fonda joins our Department of Public Works Code Enforcement, Town of Mohawk Fire Department, and Montgomery County Emergency Management in reminding you of some critical actions you should take immediately.

Keep Fire Hydrants Clear from Snow

Our Emergency Services and Fire Department have been responding to incidents throughout the storm, and our Department of Public Works has been busy clearing snow throughout the Village – let’s lend them a hand in keeping you safe.

  • Keep snow clear from around fire hydrants for at least three feet
  • Keep a path completely clear to the street
  • Please do not attempt to break ice off fire hydrants as you may cause damage to this vital tool for our firefighters

Keep Furnace Vents Clear

A great reminder from the Town of Mohawk Fire Department – keep your furnace vents clear. A blocked furnace vent may cause dangerous carbon-oxide poisoning within your home.

Keep Natural Gas meters, Vents Clear of Snow and Ice

Remember to safely remove snow and ice from your furnace vents and natural gas meters. Use caution when shoveling, snow blowing, or plowing near natural gas meters to prevent damage and potential gas leaks and blocked regulators. 

If the regulator vent becomes blocked or the airflow restricted for any reason, the regulator may not correctly operate, which could potentially result in over-pressure of an appliance, causing an explosion or fire.

To avoid meter problems:

  • Keep meters clear of snow and ice; make sure snow isn’t covering the meter.
  • Always shovel away from the meter.
  • Take care when using a snow thrower or plow near the meter.
  • Use a broom to clear snow and ice from equipment.
  • Avoid kicking or hitting the meter to break away built-up snow or ice.
  • Remove icicles that may drip water onto the meter.
  • Protect the gas meters from falling ice

Keep Your Sidewalks and Driveway Entries Clear

Help prevent injuries by clearing snow and ice from your sidewalk and driveway entranceway and treat your sidewalks treated for ice during these freezing temperatures.

Keep Your Flumes Clean and Clear

Keep Your Home and Family Safe – There is nothing more important than keeping your home and family safe while enjoying the fireplace or wood stove in the cooler months. Your chimney is a vital ventilation system that allows smoke, toxins, and dangerous fumes to escape the home. 

More than 70,000 house fires annually causing more than $1.3B in property damage and over 2,500 injuries. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), chimney fires were the cause of approximately 30 percent of house fires. 

Check Your Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors

If you have not done so, be sure you have working batteries and detection devices within your home.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a gas you cannot see or smell, which is produced by the incomplete processing of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels, as well as appliances fueled with oil, liquefied petroleum (LP gas), natural gas, coal, kerosene, or wood. Burning charcoal or running a non-electric machine (car or lawnmower) produces CO gas.

CO is very dangerous and often called the “silent killer” because it is hard to detect it until it is too late. Though many victims of CO poisoning recover with treatment, severe cases can cause permanent brain damage.

The first line of defense against carbon monoxide poisoning ensures that your home’s heating equipment is being inspected annually: including gas appliances, chimneys, and vents. CO alarms are a good second line of defense installed on every floor of your home and tested regularly. Also, you should never use grills, BBQs, Generators, or charcoal fuel burners in unventilated spaces, and keep your rooms well ventilated at all times. Never allow your vehicle to run in a closed garage.

Let us all work together in keeping our community safe. As always, I hope you and your family are Safe, Healthy, and Happy – please keep an eye out for our neighbors during the cold and snow season – everyone can use a hand from time to time.

Thank you,

Bill Peeler, Mayor