We want to update you with some informational resources to know where to go for information and who to contact for additional information.

The COVID-19 Pandemic is a very “hot topic” for many people with differing opinions. Therefore, it makes it our “personal responsibility” to follow the universal precautions, so we do not contract the illness.

Like you, I have my personal opinions regarding the pandemic, but my personal opinion does not matter because my responsibility is to our community as a whole – I want everyone to remain safe and healthy.

We have provided you with the resources to know what to do and how you may report violations you deem necessary.

I support the Sheriff’s use of these engagements to “educate” individuals on the issues surrounding COVID-19 and the needs that come with this issue.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by what is happening around you – please reach out to somebody who can help – it is just a simple text message from your cellular telephone: TEXT Got5 to 741741

Please share the resources we have provided with friends, family, and neighbors.

As always, I hope this finds you safe, healthy, and happy.

Bill Peeler, Mayor

What are the current precautions you may take? Here is updated information from the CDC, offering precautions to take for different activities.


Your Health

You will find information regarding:

Daily Life & Going Out

You will find information regarding:

People Who Need to Take Extra Precautions


Pets and Other Animals




Frequently Asked Questions


Montgomery County Health Department


For countywide updates and concerns related to COVID statistics, infections & testing

Montgomery County Sheriff

518.853.5500 – Non-Emergency

911 – Emergencies Only

To report violations of Executive Orders

New York State Health Department

For statewide updates and concerns related to COVID statistics, infections & testing. Statewide Advisories

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

For nationwide updates and concerns related to COVID statistics, infections & testing. HOW TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID-19

Montgomery County Business Development

A resource for our community businesses – what is available and how you may get assistance

Fulton & Montgomery County Regional Chamber of Commerce

Information for business advocacy and regional events

Montgomery County Executive Orders


New York Executive Orders


New York Opening Phases & Guidance