Proposed Project
Stewart’s Shops is currently located at 38 West Main St. (SBL: 35.11-2-54) and has placed the land of Stanley Scarano at 44 West Main St. (SBL: 35.11-2-51). Pursuant to the attached Site Plan, Stewart’s proposes the construction of a 1,056 square foot building on the western side of the existing building along with parking on the western edge of the property. At the time of construction of the new building element, there will also the facades will be redressed with Hardie board siding and a stone veneer. Through this proposition, Stewart’s is proposing the demolition of the existing house at 44 West Main St. and the associated garage, which is located on the northern side of Midway Alley.
Public Comment and Opinions Requested
The Village of Fonda requests anyone with interest in this project make their opinions and viewpoints known to the Board of Trustees in writing on or before November 14, 2022, at 6:00 PM.
You may mail letters to the Village of Fonda Clerk, PO Box 447, Fonda, NY 12068, or email [email protected], or drop your letter off to the Village Clerk Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at 8 E. Main Street, Fonda, NY 12068.
Current Status
The applicant has obtained the Site Plan Permit from the Village of Fonda. A Site Plan Presentation was made on October 11, 2022, at the Board of Trustees Meeting.
The Village Board has provided certain feedback regarding the aesthetic and functional aspects of the plan. The Board of Trustees, by motion, has provided pre-approval of the conceptual project requiring changes to be considered and made before the final approval.
A SEQRA Public Hearing has been scheduled for November 14, 2022, at 6:00 PM in the Village Municipal Building as part of the process before the Village forwarding to Montgomery County.
Additional approvals and processes must be followed by the applicant for the following entities: NYS DEC, NYS DOT, NYS Agricultural & Markets, and Montgomery County, NY Planning.