The Village of Fonda is pleased to announce that the Boil Water Notice issued for all Village of Fonda water users has been rescinded. Water samples analyzed by an independent laboratory have met New York State Health Department standards. The water is now confirmed to be safe for all uses, including drinking, cooking, and bathing.

As previously reported, turbidity levels and chlorine levels are balanced and in compliance with health and safety standards.

For additional guidance, please refer to the New York State Health Department’s information on “What to Do After a Boil Water Notice is Lifted” by visiting the link below:

🌐 NYS Health Department Checklist for Residents and Homeowners

🌐 NYS Department of Health Website

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Village of Fonda at [email protected] or 518.853.4335.

Village of Fonda