Weekend testing has confirmed that turbidity levels are now within the required standards. After adjustments were completed, chlorine levels were balanced within the distribution system. However, the Boil Water Notice remains in effect at this time.
Water samples will be taken today, Monday, December 16, 2024, and again on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, and sent to our independent lab for testing. Once results are received, they will be provided to the NYS Department of Health for review and a decision regarding rescinding the Boil Water Notice.
As soon as we receive approval to lift the Boil Water Notice, we will notify all water users promptly.
Bottled Water Availability:
Bottled water remains available at the Village Municipal Building.
- Pickup & Clerk Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
- If you need arrangements outside these hours, please get in touch with the Clerkās Office:
š 518.853.4335
š§ [email protected]
Preparing for the Boil Water Notice to Be Lifted:
Please review the following NYS Health Department guidance on what to do after a Boil Water Notice is lifted:
šNYS Health Department Checklist for Residents and Homeowners
šNYS Department of Health Website
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we resolve this matter.
Village of Fonda