Real Property Tax Assessor

Village Property Tax Information

Village Property Tax information

The Village fiscal year runs from June 1 to May 31. Tax bills are mailed on June 1 and are payable to the Village Tax Collector during the month of June without penalty. A 5% penalty is added in July and an additional 1% each month thereafter until October. On November 1, all unpaid village taxes are turned over to the County Treasurer for collection. Village taxes may not be paid to the Village Tax Collector after October 31. Please contact the Montgomery County Treasurer’s Office (518-853-8175) for more details. 

Call the Village Office if you have not received your bill by June 7 to request a duplicate.  If your taxes are paid with your mortgage, please forward the bill to your mortgage company. 

 If you feel your assessment is too high, you have the right to seek a reduction in the future.  For further information, please ask your assessor for the booklet, “How to File A Complaint on Your Assessment”.  Please note if the period for filing complaints on assessments has passed.  For your legal residence, you may be eligible for a senior citizen tax exemption.  For information please call 518-853-4164 or write the Town of Mohawk Assessor PO Box 415, Fonda, NY  12068 or a member of the Board of Assessors Town of Mohawk (see contact information below) or the Real Property Tax Service Agency at the County Annex Building.

 If you are disabled or age 65 or older and own and occupy a 1, 2, or 3 family residence, you may designate a consenting adult third party to receive duplicate copies of your tax bills and notices of unpaid taxes until further notice.  An application is available at the Village Office and must be filed by April 1st.  The application form may also be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped legal sized envelope to your local tax collector or the Montgomery County Real Property Tax Service Agency, PO Box 1500, Fonda, NY  12068 or online at:

 Town of Mohawk Assessor

Stella Gittle
2-4 Park Street PO Box 415
Fonda, NY 12068
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518.853-1464
Fax: 518-853-4730


Hours: Mondays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Wednesdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.,  4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

 Local Law No. 2 of the year 1995 terminated The Village Of Fonda’s Status as an assessing unit for the purposes of Real Property Tax purposes and passes it on as a Town Assessor responsibility.  Any and all forms dealing with exemptions and assessments should be forwarded to the Town of Mohawk Assessor.

Board of Assessment Review Members

Chairman – Florence Stanton

  • Steve Cook
  • Edward Calhoun
  • Rodd Hicks
  • Clark Subik

Board of Assessment Review Function

The Board of Assessment review meets to process requests for review that are filed each year in response to property tax assessments and is charged with guaranteeing property owners’ rights to fair and impartial decisions regarding property assessments. The Town Board appoints board member for five-year terms on a staggered basis.

Contact Information:

Board of Assessment Review

2-4 Park Street, P.O. Box 415

Fonda, NY 12068

Phone: Town Clerk (518) 853-3031

Property Taxes: Things You Should Know

Tax Collector

The tax collector is responsible for the collection of property taxes for approximately 316 parcels.  All powers and duties of this office, as well as collection procedures are statutory and defined in the New York State Real Property Tax Law.

Any inquiries are welcome pertaining to collection policies as well as general tax information.  Assistance is provided to residents, realtors, lending institutions, title companies and other entities that may require tax information.

Please remember to send the entire bill page back with your payment.  The top part of the bill be stamped PAID and will be returned to you as your payment receipt. If you mail your payment in, the envelope must be postmarked by the Post Office cancellation on or before the due date to avoid any late penalty charges.  Please mark any address changes on your bill so future bills will be correctly addressed. For more information or if you do not receive a tax bill, please call  518-853-4335 x20.

During property tax collection, hours to pay in person are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the months of June through October. Additionally for your convenience taxes can be paid (check or money order only) via the drop box outside the front office door at 8 E. Main Street.  When property taxes are due on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday (as defined by section 24 of the General Construction Law), the last day to pay without interest becomes the next succeeding business day.

Duties of the Office of Tax Collector: Before entering upon the duties of this office, it is required that all tax collecting officers take the Constitutional Oath of Office. In addition, an official undertaking of bond, which guarantees the faithful performance of the office must be executed and filed in the Village Clerk’s Office. Once the collector has taken the oath and executed the bond, she or he becomes an insurer and guarantor of all monies, securities, papers and records that the law provides shall be in his or her custody.

The Collector of Taxes collects the General Property Taxes starting on or about June 1. The tax bill covers the period of June 1 to May 31. Payments can be made upon receipt of the bill through July 1 without penalty. Bills paid after July 1 incur a 5% penalty.  From August 1st through November 1 there is an additional 1% penalty per month (9% in all). After November 1 all payments must then be made to the Montgomery County Treasurer, P.O. Box 1500, Fonda, New York;  office located at 20 Park Street Annex Building, first floor.

To assist our elderly and disabled residents, third party notification tax bills are offered.  Property owners who are disabled or 65 years of age or older and own their home may designate an adult consenting third party to receive duplicate copies of tax bills and notices of unpaid taxes. In order to receive this service, one must fill out a third party notification form RP-923, available from the tax collector. The New York Tax Division has an online fill-in form available here:

Many residents have their taxes escrowed with lending institutions. The County updates bank codes prior to each billing cycle. It is the lending institution’s responsibility to notify the County of any additions or deletions of accounts. Many banks contract with Tax Service Organizations (TSOs), which are agencies that service escrow accounts for the banks.  These organizations provide the tax collector with a list of their customers and their identifying account numbers. In the event that a resident received a bill that should have gone to the bank it is still the responsibility of the bank to call for that bill. If the bill should have gone to the homeowner, but went to the bank, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to know that taxes are due. Please call the tax collector immediately and they will issue you a duplicate bill. The failure to mail a statement or the failure of a property owner to receive a statement will not affect the validity of the taxes or interest prescribed by the law. [New York State Real Property Tax Law §922]. If you should have received a bill, but have not by the second week in June, please contact the tax collector for a duplicate bill.

Frequently Asked Questions

To see answers to common questions, please click here.

Questions on your assessment information?

Village property owners who have questions on property assessment information should contact the Town of Mohawk Assessor

Stella Gittle
2-4 Park Street PO Box 415
Fonda, NY 12068

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518.853-1464
Fax: 518-853-4730


  Hours: Mondays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Wednesdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.,  4 p.m. to 7 p.m.



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