Street & Water Department

Water Department: 
Contact: Chris Ashbey or Christopher Weaver
Address: 8 E Main St
Phone: 518-853-4335 ext 25
Fax: 518-853-4555
Email[email protected]

Street & Water Department: 
Contact: Christopher Weaver
Address: 8 E Main St
Phone: 518-853-4335 ext 25
Fax: 518-853-4555
Email[email protected]


Water Plant Operator oversees water plant operations and maintenance. Water Commissioner is in charge of the water mains, hookups, hydrants and entire water distribution system. Hydrant flushing is done in the spring and fall. It may cause the water to be discolored, just let the cold water run a few minutes and it should clear up. Water-sewer bills are issued semi-annually in April and October.

If you have a water service emergency that needs attention during non-regular working hours, call the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department (518) 853-5500 or 9-1-1.


The Municipal Water System provides 1150 customers with almost 500,000+ gallons of water each day. The Village has two sources of supply, the Briggs Run Reservoir and the original water source on Hickory Hill Road. The water is treated by adding chlorine at the plant that is located at 361 Reservoir Road. The Village also maintains two storage tanks, one off Old Johnstown Road and one at the water plant off Reservoir Road. This allows the system to run by gravity feed. The Village Water Utility has been in existence since the 1880’s.

The Village has the responsibility for water services to the curb box. From the curb box to the building, it is the property owner’s responsibility.

A property owner who has failed to receive his/her water bill in a timely manner is still responsible for the timely payment of water/sewer rents and any late penalty. An owner of real property has an obligation to be aware of the existence of water meter on his premises and take appropriate action to see that the meter bills are rendered and paid. An implied contract arises between the property owner and the municipality for use of water during the period for which he was not billed and the owner is liable for the unpaid water/sewer rents plus any late penalties. The meters shall remain the property of the Village of Fonda. Any damage to a meter sustained by reasons of carelessness by the owner, or his/her tenants of the premises shall be replaced by the Village of Fonda at the property owner’s expense.

General Information – Drinking Water Quality

We, as your drinking water service provider, are responsible for providing safe and reliable drinking water. If you have any questions about your drinking water you should contact us directly.

General Information – Drinking Water Quality

We, as your drinking water service provider, are responsible for providing safe and reliable drinking water. If you have any questions about your drinking water you should contact us directly.

Water Rates:

Billing is semi-annually April and October. As adopted for FY 2017/2018 budget, reflected in the October 1, 2017 bill dates. Water rates are cumulative. Outside Village Water Customers rates are times 2 inside rates. Sewer use charge is 3.20 times the water rate, passed May 1, 2022, and effective beginning July 1, 2022, bill date.

Effective for October 1, 2017, bill date

Number of Gallons Rate per 1,000 gallons.  Inside Village Limits Outside Village Limits
0 – 20,000 2.72 5.44
20,001 – 70,000 2.61 5.22
Over 70,000 2.32 4.64

MINIMUM CHARGE per 6 months: adopted May 1, 2022, effective July 1, 2022, bill date

Water Sewer
$54.40 for 0-20,000 gallons
+$55.00 repair & replace water infrastructure fee
$174.08 (3.20 times $54.40)
+$42.00 operation & maintenance sewer fee
$109.40 total minimum water charge $216.08 total minimum sewer charge




Concerned you have a non-functioning water meter?

If residents have a concern as to the accuracy or proper functionality of their meter, they can request that it be tested. A form and information on the program is available at the Village Clerk’s Office or you can download one listed in “Documents” section below,

Any meter in question can be sent to a test facility to check if it is operating properly. If the meter is found to be defective, then the village will pay the costs of testing/shipping and replace the meter free of charge. Should the meter be found to be working properly, then the customer is responsible for the testing/shipping costs. The cost to have this done is between $100 and $150; prepayment of the service is mandated.

“All water meters are tested to American Water Works Association standards. The water meter must test 98.5% to 101.5% in order to pass the test.”

It is important to note: It is impossible for a water meter to operate unless the water passes through it. The flow of the water causes the piston to move and the meter to register. A water meter may become obstructed so that it fails to register all the water which passes through it. This however is in favor of the consumer. Meters are rated and tested in the factory and again tested at the department shop before being installed.
The Water Department does not assume the oversight of the water pipes and fixtures within metered premises nor any responsibility for the use or waste of water therein as all water that passes through a meter will be charged for whether used or wasted.

According to Local Law 1-1976, Providing for the institution, administration and collection of sewer rents in the Village of Fonda, Montgomery County, New York, Section 5 f reads; “The minimum charge for sewer rentals established by this chapter shall be charged even if the property is unoccupied and no consumption of water is shown on the water meter, or if no sewage is discharged into the sewer system.”

April 12, 2012: Motion by Board: Charges to non-compliant unmetered properties will be assessed a flat rate fee of $500.00 biannually or upon each billing cycle, beginning with the next bill date October 2012. Non-compliance shall mean the property owner has not contacted DPW within 30 days to make appointment for access or the property owner has not allowed unfettered access to the property by DPW for work needed.

In all cases, access and completion of work must be completed within 90 days of notice. Removal of awnings or panels, or other requirements needed to access the water line will be at the expense of the property owner. Meters for mobile homes must be installed in acclimate-protected area for prevention of freezing, at property owner’s expense,

October 15, 2013: Resolution #14-2013 states: ” A written request for a billing review must be made within 30 days from the date the bill is rendered, stating the reason for the review. Complaints for bills more than 30 days from the billing date will not be reviewed.

Hours of Operation

Water Plant hours alternate between mornings and afternoons. DPW hours are 6am to 2:30pm. If you have a water service emergency that needs attention during non-regular working hours, call the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department (518-853-5500) or 9-1-1.

Basic Water Quality Facts

Drinking water quality

We, as your drinking water service provider, are responsible for providing safe and reliable drinking water and are committed to providing the best possible service at all times. If you have any questions about your drinking water you should first contact us directly, either by phone (Village Office (518) 853-4335,  Street/Water Commissioner (518) 857-7660 cell) or fax (518) 853-4555, email: [email protected] or in person at 8 E Main Street, Fonda, during regular working hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. except all legal holidays

Where my drinking water comes from

Drinking water comes from a variety of sources such as:

  • dams, barrages, weirs, groundwater bores and rivers (run-of-river extraction) and
  • desalination, and other alternative sources

The water source for Village of Fonda water customers is primarily groundwater contained at the Briggs Run Reservoir, located on Reservoir Road.

Standards for drinking water

To ensure your water is safe to drink, it should meet certain standards. These standards are referred to as health related guideline values and aesthetic guideline values as regulated by the New York State Department of Conservation and the New York State Department of Health.

  • A health related guideline value is based on present knowledge and does not result  in any significant risk to the health of the consumer over a lifetime of consumption.
  • An aesthetic guideline value is associated with the acceptability of water to the consumer, for example, appearance, taste and odor

For more information from these agencies:

Discolored water

Occasionally tap water may appear dirty or discolored. This may be due to:

  • naturally occurring substances, such as iron or manganese
  • corrosion of service pipes
  • internal plumbing issues.

In most cases discolored water is not harmful. If you have any concerns, please contact us.

Taste and smell

Occasionally drinking water may have an unusual taste or smell. This may be due to:

  • Organic matter in water may give an earthy or peaty taste and/or odor. This may be caused by water sources with naturally high concentrations of organic matter or by a build-up of algae or bacteria in taps and plumbing. Thoroughly cleaning your taps may solve the problem.
  • Chlorine in drinking water may be detectable. Chlorine is added to most drinking water to kill harmful germs that may be present in the environment. Water service providers closely monitor the level of chlorine present.
  • Trace amounts of copper or iron may give tap water a bitter or metallic taste. This may be caused by aging pipes or naturally occurring levels in the environment. At low levels it’s not harmful but may be unpleasant to drink.

In most cases water is still safe to drink, however contact us if you have any concerns.


Before treatment, water may contain pathogens: microorganisms capable of causing sickness or disease. Drinking water is treated and disinfected with chlorine to remove these. A small residual amount of chlorine remains in the water to maintain quality as it travels through the pipes.


Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite commonly found in cattle, sheep, birds, fish and even humans. If ingested, it can cause a gastrointestinal illness called cryptosporidiosis. It is usually spread by contact with infected animals or humans, or by ingesting contaminated food, milk or water. Drinking water is protected from Cryptosporidium by using specific treatment processes (coagulation and filtration) at treatment plants. Managing catchment areas where drinking water is sourced is also effective at preventing it.

Monitoring drinking water quality

The Village of Fonda’s Certified Water Treatment Operator monitors the drinking water quality on a daily basis. This monitoring occurs at the treatment plant along with selected sample sites across the network. Large drinking water service providers are required to monitor more frequently than smaller providers.

Water Quality Complaints

Complaints about the quality of your water should be made by first contacting the Village of Fonda, either by phone (Village Office 518  853–4335,  Street/Water Commissioner 518-857-7660 cell) or , fax 518-853-4555,

or email [email protected] or in person 8 E. Main Street, Fonda , Monday-Friday, 9am to 3:00 pm. excluding all legal holidays.  An answering machine is available 24/7 as well.  If leaving a message, please be sure to

include your name and contact information.

When we receive a complaint, we have set in place a procedure that will ensure that your complaint is handled by the most appropriate person.

Our overriding aim is to resolve your complaint as efficiently and effectively as possible and if appropriate we will provide an immediate response.

We hope that you will always be satisfied with our response.  If not, please contact our NYS Regional Department of Health Office:

Herkimer District Office New York State Dept Of Health
5665 State Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350
(315) 866-6879

General Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find information pertaining to public water supplies?

A good source of information is the NYS Department of Health site at

If you would like to speak to someone at the State level regarding our water supply, contact

Regional Herkimer District Office
5665 State Route 5
Herkimer, New York 13350
Phone: (315) 866-6879
Fax: (315) 866-8192

Do we fluoridate the drinking water?

No. The proper dose of fluoride can be administered more effectively with supplements. Research has shown that too much fluoride can damage tooth enamel and cause mottling of the teeth.

How do I find out about the quality of my drinking water?

The Village of Fonda issues an annual drinking water report that includes a thorough analysis of the Village of Fonda’s drinking water. A copy is included with the April utility billing and is also posted on this website.

Why is my water discolored?

The most common cause of water discoloration comes from iron corrosion in the Village’s one hundred year old water system. Adjustments are made at the filtration plant to limit the release of iron deposits. The adjustment of pH, as well as the addition of zinc orthophosphate, helps to reduce discoloration. During a fire event or a hydrant flush, the resulting increase in water flows can disturb deposits in the system and may cause temporary discoloration. Residents experiencing discoloration are instructed to run the cold water tap until their water clears.

When will hydrant flushing be done?

In general, the entire water distribution system will undergo a full flushing procedure semi-annually, usually done in May and late September or early October, depending on the water level at the Reservoir. Exact times and dates will be posted in advance in order for you to plan accordingly. Notice will be posted online as well.

I washed my laundry after a hydrant flush and my white clothes have brown spots. Is there anything I can do to remove them?

Laundry that has been stained with iron deposits should not be placed in the dryer. The clothes should be re-washed with a stain remover such as Iron-Out,  Red-B-Gone or Fels Naptha.

Why does my water look “milky”?

“Milky” water is usually a result of entrained air, which is not harmful. A quick test to determine the presence of entrained air is to fill a clear glass with water and set it on the counter. If you observe the water clearing from the bottom up, then entrained air is the cause of the milky appearance.

How do I know how much water I use?

Your water bill will show water consumption for a six month period. If you divide this number by 180 you can determine your daily consumption. The average daily usage per person is 70-100 gallons.

Where is my water meter located?

The water meter is located adjacent to the water pipe where the pipe enters the building, usually in the basement. The small rectangular device located on the outside of the building is called a remote reader and allows the water meter reader to obtain a reading without entering your building. Readings are taken every March and September.

I have the “old style” non-remote water meter. Can I get a new remote reader installed?

Yes….just give us a call ((518) 853-4335 office or (518) 857-7660 for Street & Water Commissioner Chris Weaver- cell) to set up an appointment.  The whole procedure should take about 30-45 minutes, and having this done will assist us with efficiency in obtaining your future meter reads.

How do I determine if I have a water leak?

First turn off all household appliances that use water, then observe the actual meter. If the small red paddle wheel on the face of the meter is turning, then you have a leak. If outside assistance is needed to repair a leak, then residents should contact a plumber.

If I am selling my property should I contact the Village?

A week before closing, please contact the Village office at (518) 853-4335 to arrange for a final reading or submit the form indicating a final reading request. It may be necessary for a water department employee to enter the basement of your property. The Village requires that someone be present during inspection which will take approximately ten minutes.

In addition, an adjustment sheet will be faxed to your attorney. Please be prepared to provide the phone and fax number of your attorney when contacting the office.

What is a Public Water System?

A public water system is an entity that provides water to the public for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances. In New York, any system with at least 5 service connections or that regularly serves an average of at least 25 people daily for at least 60 days out of the year is considered a public water system. Public water systems are categorized as one of the following types of systems: community and non-community (including non-transient non-community and transient non-community).

What is a groundwater source?

A groundwater source is water taken from beneath the earth’s surface, usually in an aquifer. An aquifer is a natural underground layer, often of sand or gravel, that contains water. Most public water systems with groundwater sources pump and treat groundwater from wells, which are drilled into the ground to capture water flowing below surface level. The Village of Fonda Water Source is considered a groundwater source initially as our water comes from a spring underground.

What is a surface water source?

A surface water source is water that is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff. Examples of surface water sources include lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. Since the Village of Fonda’s raw water is stored in a reservoir makes our water a surface water source.

What is a ground water source under the direct influence of surface water?

A groundwater source under the direct influence of surface water is defined as any water beneath the surface of the ground that, when tested, has physical characteristics (such as turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or pH) that closely correlate with surface water chemistry and/or well water that rises in temperature soon after precipitation events; and/or groundwater that is found to contain microorganisms or debris that are typically found only in surface water such as algae, organic debris, large-diameter pathogens, or insects.

What health department oversees my water system?

Thirty-six counties and the New York City Health Department have direct oversight of the public drinking water systems within their jurisdiction. Public water systems within the remaining twenty-one counties in the state are directly regulated by staff in one of the nine State Health Department district offices. The New York State Health Department Regional Office in Herkimer oversees the  Village of Fonda’s public water.

Regional Herkimer District Office
5665 State Route 5
Herkimer, New York 13350
Phone: (315) 866-6879
Fax: (315) 866-8192

What is my water tested for?

Public water supplies test for a variety of man-made chemicals, naturally occurring contaminants, physical characteristics, and microbial pathogens. The type of testing and the frequency may be dependent upon the population served, source water type, and/or public water supply type. State regulations provide a detailed list of contaminants that are tested in public water supplies.

What does “human consumption” mean with respect to public water supplies?

The term human consumption includes water used for drinking, bathing, showering, cooking, dishwashing, and maintaining oral hygiene.

What are “maximum contaminant levels”?

Maximum contaminant levels are limits set on the level of contaminants allowable in drinking water. Maximum contaminant levels are established to ensure that the water is safe for people to drink.

How can I find out information about my water system?

Annual Water Quality Reports are required for all community water systems. These reports provide comprehensive information about your water system, including where your water comes from, what treatments are provided, and the quality of water delivered. All community water systems must mail, direct-deliver, or make a good-faith estimate to provide this report to you on an annual basis. To contact the Village Water Department, call 518.853.4335 or email [email protected]. For non-community water systems, call your local health department or state district office. Contact information for these offices is available through this website. In addition, the EPA maintains information about water systems and provides a hotline service for rapid access to information specific to individual water supplies.

Boil Water Advisory or Notice FAQ

What is a Boil Water Advisory? Is it the same as a Boil Water Notice?

A Boil Water Advisory (BWA) is a public statement advising customers to boil tap water before consuming it. Advisories are issued when an event has occurred allowing the possibility for the water distribution system to become contaminated. An advisory does not mean that the water is contaminated, but rather that it could be contaminated; because the water quality is unknown, customers should assume the water is unsafe to drink and take the appropriate precautions. An advisory is different from a Boil Water Notice, which is issued when contamination is confirmed in the water system. During a notice, all customers must boil their water before consuming it or use bottled water.

What should I do during a Boil Water Advisory or Notice?

You should boil tap water vigorously for at least one full minute prior to using it for drinking or cooking (the minute starts when the water begins to bubble). This includes water used for brushing teeth, making ice, washing raw foods, preparation of drinks, and water for pets. Wait for the water to cool before using it, or store it in the refrigerator in a clean container. Boiling removes harmful bacteria in the water that may cause illness. You should throw away ice made during the time the advisory or notice was issued, as freezing does not kill bacteria.

After an advisory or notice has been lifted (if contamination of the water system did occur), you should flush household pipes, ice makers, water fountains, etc. prior to using for drinking or cooking. Flushing simply means letting the water run to ensure that no contaminated water remains in your pipes. Follow the these guidelines for flushing:

  • Run all cold water faucets in your home for one minute.
  • To flush automatic ice makers, make three batches of ice and discard.
  • Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
  • Run drinking water fountains for one minute.
  • Run water coolers with direct water connections for five minutes.

Do I still need to boil my water if I have a filter system on my faucet or refrigerator?

Most point-of-use (POU) filters are designed to improve the aesthetics of water (improve taste and odor), not remove harmful bacteria. You can learn about the capability of your filter by contacting the manufacturer or NSF International, an independent testing group located in Ann Arbor, Michigan (Ph. 1-800-673-8010). If in doubt, you should boil your water or use bottled water even if you have a filtering system.

Is the water safe for washing dishes, laundry, and bathing?

The water is safe for washing dishes, but you should use hot, soapy water (you may add one tablespoon of bleach per gallon as a precaution) and rinse dishes in boiled water. There are no restrictions on doing laundry. The water is also safe for bathing during an advisory or notice; if the water is contaminated by a chemical that will cause harm on contact, a Do Not Use Notice , meaning the water should not be used for bathing.

How long must a Boil Water Advisory or Notice be in effect?

An advisory or notice will remain in effect until test samples show the water is safe to drink. Testing for bacteria requires 18-24 hours to complete, depending on the type of test used. The samples are incubated to actually grown bacteria, if any are present. As a result, advisories and notices will be in effect for at least 18-24 hours.

What are total coliform bacteria?

Total coliform bacteria are a collection of microorganisms that live in large numbers in the intestines of humans and animals, as well as in most soils and surface water. A sub-group of these microorganisms is the fecal coliform bacteria, the most common member being E coli. These bacteria occur naturally in lakes and streams, but indicate that the water is contaminated with human or animal waste and therefore may pose a health risk to people who drink it. The water treatment process removes these bacteria from the water, but events such as a water main break or a loss of pressure in the water distribution system may allow these bacteria to enter water lines through cracks in pipes or back-siphoning from a residential plumbing system. Boiling water vigorously for one minute will kill these bacteria and make water safe to drink.

Under what circumstances will the Water Department issue a Boil Water Advisory or Notice?

The New York State Department of Health regulates water utilities and specifies instances when an advisory or notice must be issued.

An advisory must be issued in the following instances:

  • If untreated water reaches the distribution system
  • Loss of pressure in the entire distribution system or a significant portion of the system
  • A water main break where dirt and debris have entered the distribution piping

A Boil Water Notice must be issued under the following circumstances:

  • When test samples indicate the presence of total coliform bacteria.

These situations are not the only times when an advisory or notice should be issued. Specific situations, upon consultation with NYS DOH, may also require an advisory or notice.

How will I know when the advisory or notice has been lifted?

The Village of Fonda Water Department will issue a repeal of the advisory or notice when the water is safe to drink; stay tuned to radio and television stations for updates. We will also post information on this web site.

Since an advisory is a precautionary measure, will I get sick if I drink the water?

What if I drank some water before I found out about the advisory?

Until test results show the water is safe to drink, you should not drink the water without boiling it first. During an advisory, chances are, if you are in good health, you will not get sick from drinking the water; however, young children, some of the elderly, and people with severely compromised immune systems should not drink the water until it is deemed safe to drink. Symptoms of illness caused by bacteria in the water may include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches, or other symptoms. Please note that these symptoms are not caused only by organisms in drinking water. If you experience any of these symptoms and they persist, you may want to seek medical advice.

Water Conservation Tips

Did you know?

  • A running faucet uses about a gallon of water per minute
  • If a faucet drips at a rate of one drop per second, you can waste 2,700 GALLLONS per year
  • Toilets with leaky float valves can waste up to 200 gallons of water every day….(that equals 36,000 in a six month period!)
  • Even a pinhole leak, such as in a washing machine hose, can waste up to 170 gallons a day


  • Check for leaks in a toilet by adding a few drops of food coloring to the tank.  Coloring will appear in the toilet bowl if it is leaking.
  • When replacing an old toilet, purchase a water efficient model.
  • Don’t let water run in a bathroom sink when brushing teeth or shaving.
  • Run the washing machine only when it is fully loaded,  Check the hoses for cracks that could result in leaks.
  • Run the dishwasher only when it is fully loaded
  • Garbage disposals require lots of water to operate properly: avoid using them when possible
  • With pools and spas, repair any leaks.  An inch a day loss in a pool can be over 600 gallons! Get a pool cover to reduce loss of water by evaporation.
  • Always use a hose with a shut-off nozzle and shut off hoses when not in use.  This is one of the biggest sources of wasted water.
  • Read your water meter before and after a 2 hour period when no water is being used.  If the meter doesn’t read exactly the same, you have a leak!

Percentage of total daily water use:



Clothes Washer:


Showers & Baths:




Dish Washers:


Where can I find forms dealing with Village Water Services?

Most forms are available online from the “Public Works” Tab in the Document Download Section of our website. If you don’t find what you need, give us a call at 518-853-4335.



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