Covid 19 Updates

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COUNTY LAUNCHES COVID-19 HOME TESTING REPORTING PORTAL Montgomery County Public Health Director Sara Boerenko announced today the launch of an online portal for reporting positive at-home COVID-19 test results and a streamlined location for...

Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic – First Dose
Where: Amsterdam High School Cafeteria Amsterdam High School 140 Saratoga Ave Amsterdam, NY 12010 Event: First Dose - Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic When: Date: May 13, 2021 Time: 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM Registration Deadline: May 13, 2021 Appointments Available: 152...

Updated Resources for COVID-19
Resources Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The CDC has published safety guidance for communities, workplaces, schools, and events here. New York State NYS Official COVID-19 Website: Novel Coronavirus Hotline (available 24/7):...

Summary of the Re-opening Timeline
Beginning Monday, May 3rd Catered Events Can Resume at Residences above the State's residential gathering limit of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors, as long as the events are staffed by a professional, licensed caterer, permitted by the respective locality or...

Outdoor Health Guidelines for Village Events
For A Printable Copy of Guidelines Click Here The Village of Fonda asks you follow these basic guidelines when attending any public event within the Village. We want to go back to as "normal" of a lifestyle as we are allowed, and we can do this with some sensible...

Upcoming Vaccine Clinics
We just received notice the following Vaccine Clinics are scheduled in our area; Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on Thursday, April 29, 2021, at Fonda-Fultonville Middle School. The First Appointment is at 3:00 pm. Second dose appointments will automatically be...

Village Clerk’s Office Reopens
The Village of Fonda Village Clerk's Office will reopen. Please see the link below for more information on our guidelines. Please click here for information on April 29, 2021, Opening Village Office. Thank you!

Vaccination Clinic is Full April 4th
UPDATE The CLINIC IS NOW FULL for Tuesday, April 6th. Keep watching the Montgomery County Facebook page for upcoming clinics. This clinic fill very quickly. If you wish to receive the vaccine, anyone over 30 years of age can Register for Vaccine Here Locally, you may...

How Are You Really Doing? SMHA Adult Mental Health Services
St. Mary's Healthcare of Amsterdam provides essential services to help adults and families face many different issues within their lives. We all face crises' within our lives and find times where it is difficult to cope - whether it is the impact of COVID or just...

Senior Citizen Vaccinations – Good News!
FONDA—Montgomery County Executive Matthew L. Ossenfort announced today that the Montgomery County Office for Aging Inc. has partnered with AgingNY and Kinney Drugs to vaccinate 4,000 seniors during the month of March. Individuals over the age of 65 still interested...

Dedicated to assisting our residents and customers, the Village of Fonda Provides this information to navigate the pandemic known as Coronavirus (COVID 19).
Message from the Mayor
I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy.
As the Mayor, I want to assure you that we are doing all that we can to keep our community moving forward. The only thing worse than overreacting to a situation is underreacting and not meeting the needs of our people, so they stay safe and healthy.
I strongly suggest that you sign up for our email updates here. I also urge you to familiarize yourself with the numerous information resources available.
If I may be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate in emailing me, [email protected]
We will update the information to our website as soon as it is received and confirmed. Whenever possible, we will send you directly to the source of information supplied to overcome confusion.
Thank you, and be well,
Bill Peeler
Register for Emergency Notifications
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department