Current Status
The Village of Fonda Continues the Boil Water Order Until Further Notice.
What is in Our Drinking Water
Like all public water systems, the Village of Fonda tests water daily. Our water system operators, certified by New York State, conduct the testing. We also use third-party labs to ensure the accuracy of our results.
We mail the annual water report to all customers yearly and publish it on our website for public awareness. If you do not have your latest report, please visit the web addresses below to see what is in your drinking water.
Water We Are Doing – Coagulation
Coagulation is crucial to all water treatment processes and is primarily used to make the system’s filters more effective. To make water as clear and particulate-free as possible, it is treated with aluminum sulfate (alum), which causes tiny suspended particles to clump together, settle out of the water, or be trapped by a filter.
The boil water order, initiated on June 27th due to turbidity and manganese in the water, is being addressed by improving coagulation. Turbidity itself has no health effects but can interfere with water disinfection.
Water We Are Doing – Chlorination
Chlorination involves adding chlorine to drinking water systems to disinfect and kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Chlorine is effective and keeps the water safe as it travels from the treatment plant to the consumer’s tap.
Significant progress has been made in adjusting the filtration system, bringing us closer to lifting the boil water order. With storage tanks filled, water storage levels have improved, and turbidity has been reduced to safe levels. We are still working on balancing chlorine levels that require boiling water for consumption. Once an appropriate balance is achieved, we will conduct a series of tests at homes and businesses throughout the water system before lifting the boil water order.
Communication – What and How to Communicate
We ask that any water users who observe decolorization of water email to report the address, time, and date of the observation, as well as a photo if possible. If email is unavailable, call 518.853.4335 x20 Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm. You may leave a message on weekends.
Water Distribution
Water distribution continues at the Village of Fonda Municipal Building, 8 E. Main Street, Fonda, NY 12068. Please call 518.853.4335 x20 to schedule pickup.
Further Updates
We will continue to provide updates as they become available. Please share the original content of updates with friends, neighbors, and family who use our water system.
Visit the New York State Department of Health Website for More Information on Drinking Water